It works pretty well for us, especially now that even Chico is old enough (3) to do something, too. I know some of the secrets this year, but not all of them: Harpo (7) is writing poems for his brothers (he's been planning the metre and jotting down images and metaphors he'd like to use, and will get the poems together soon), Groucho (5) is going to make everyone some fudge (of the non-boiling the sugar on the stovetop variety, methinks!), and Chico is drawing pictures for people. I've been knitting like mad--made a blanket for my mom, and hope to have mittens or slippers for everybody else in time for the big day--if I don't get them done, I'll write everyone his own special song, I think (it's very helpful to have a loving, uncritical audience!!). I usually make a Dundee cake for an old friend who emigrated from Scotland a long time ago, and misses home during the holidays. Not sure what Frenchie's doing this year...he's full of surprises!

We've worked hard to keep commercialism out of the boys' lives as much as possible, and I think they seem to have their heads on straight so far. We were so pleased with their (joint) letter to Santa this year, because their only requests were for information (Santa, is there a tailor elf who makes your clothes? Do you wear different clothes in different climates when you are making your deliveries? Do the reindeer live in your house with you, or in a barn? Is your house an igloo? Is the barn an igloo barn? What snack should we leave for the reindeer? etc. etc.--it amused us quite a bit!)


PS I should have put this in the other thread, but I'll just mention here how much I liked your Jeff Buckley link--what a beautiful voice. What a sad story, too--makes you want to just clasp every moment of happiness to your heart.