Originally Posted by questions
You know that people don't spend that much b/c they think the artwork is worth it, right? It is a fundraiser after all. At DS's private school, the auction provided the revenue for a new playground. Sure it's good sport to watch them, but they're also good sports, themselves, to support the school and its programs, and many of us have been the beneficiaries of their generosity.

As for Target, I buy my clothes there, too, LOL!

Sure, I get they're being generous to the school! Of course, most are parents so their kids are also benefiting, not to mention the large tax deduction on the artwork!

I was more commenting on the previous poster's feelings that she'd be a little out of place and out of her element. We buy our $100 a piece tickets to the auction. We just don't have the luxury of throwing around that kind of money while we're there.