Originally Posted by chris1234
But, I also saw that it had a parking lot full of $50k/cars. I know this probably sounds lame, but I thought, there is no way we as a family are going to fit in at this place, unless I work 4 jobs! hope that doesnt sound class-ist.

I get your point. We actually attend one of "those" schools. I drive my Scion every day into a parking lot full of Lexus, BMWs and more... We aren't "those people" but we have fun watching them. It was fun at the school auction last year to see people spend thousands- literally- on kids' artwork. "A beautiful framed collage from the Kindergarten class" $4000. !?!?!?!

Surprisingly, it hasn't mattered yet. We've been there a year and a half and I've found that while we make far less money, we are much more financially stable than most of the families there. Spending beyond your means to keep up a show just isn't our style. My kid wears Target clothes to school. And I don't have to scream when they get paint on them. grin