HUGs to all of you!

We too go through those phases with DS now 9. It seem like the school may not be advanced enough for him but I'm not sure you are going to find one that is. Pud is a very quick child smile

I dont' have anything to add except on the teeth brushing issue. Could there be a sensory issue there? I know that even today, I have to brace myself and just get through brushing my teeth. I really hate the feel of the brush. I've tried all sorts of different ones, but all of them feel like nails on a chalkboard to me. Even though there might not be a solution, if he really hates the sensation, it can help to understand why it isn't getting done. If this is a morning activity, it might be playing into everything that happens the rest of the day. Chewing those colored tablets before I brushed helped as a child. At least I knew what my goal was and when I was done. A drink of Ice water after helped too take away the sensation.

Again HUGS