CFK - thank you for that reminder. I had posted the original post here after coming off reading some emails off of a listserv where there were some people who did seem to share that perspective that a child was not gifted unless she had a score 135+. It's so frustrating with cutoffs and such, which I know are needed on some level, for gifted programming that there are kids who may be more than capable but are turned away because their scores do not meet their criteria.

I think that's what bothers me most - that these kids aren't given a chance and for those who may have underlying issues, even less so. And my dd is one of those. Her school may not have gifted programming, but my concern is that now that we have these scores, the school will feel that they have no obligation whatsoever to give her enrichment of any kind. What if that little bit more/deeper/harder might motivate her to plug through the stuff that is difficult for her? They won't know if they don't try and now they may not have a reason to. And if her weaker areas are tested as the evaluator suggests and still found to be at grade level, nothing will be done for her there either. And so my dd will continue to struggle, albeit not a typical sort of struggle because she's obviously meeting grade-level standards as seen on the MAP testing. If it takes 3 hours to do something that should only take 20 minutes, then it's a very real and valid struggle.

Argh, rambling again. I'm sorry. This is just me having a bit of a mini-crisis.