I don't want to request info you're not comfortable sharing, Mombot, but would you consider posting all her scores?

I searched and found your post about her test results, but I didn't see a post containing all the scores. Sometimes getting the complete picture of the test can help make sense. Spiky profiles containing highs and lows are VERY common for GT kids.

I think you also have to consider if there were any reasons why she might not have been having a good test day: lack of sleep, hunger, starting the test too low, starting the test too high, taking the worng test for her particular way of thinking, etc. can all affect test scores.

A test is only a snapshot, and it's not at all hard for test results to be returned that are too low. Especially if the results don't line up with what you see, then I'd question the test before I'd question your observations. You live with her all the time. The test was one day for a couple of hours at most.

Also, was she tested by a GT expert? That makes a BIG difference, too.

I don't think I'd counsel you to throw up your hands and say, "Oh well, she's not GT" at this point. I think you just need more information.

