It is good to see the updates.

For summer, Mite plans on travelling with his choir for 3 weeks. Momma is a bit nervous about it, but it is supposed to be a fantastic experience.

We just today finished the school year with huge gains added to the IEP. Mite will now have a 1:1 para 3 hours a day. He will have some occupational therapy services. He is to be evaluated for physical therapy and that is looking hopeful. They are giong to start keyboarding more rigorously and will provide 15 minutes per day for practice in addition to daily usage of the keyboard. They didn't provide the laptop we requested, but they have upgraded from a Alphasmart to a NEO, which I think might suffice for now.

Overall, it was a lot of gains we didn't expect (expecially the OT, PT and 1:1 para). They actually said they agreed that he needed the para for deskwork and while we all regreted having to do that, because we want to see him independent, it really seems the only route to help him with his severe attention issues that do not respond to medication.

I am feeling so incredibly relieved and successful and I feel, with the grade acceleration that we are considering, Mite has a fighting chance now.

Summer is going to be spent, after his return from touring, filling in the "gaps" he'll miss with a skip over 4th grade.

Thanks all of you for your support and advice this year. YOU have made an incredible difference in Mite's life.

I've got tears in my eyes.

Willa Gayle