The 06-07 school year has had it's ups and downs. Overall, I think that DS is not getting the challenge he needs, but at the same time he is not cooperating with his teachers to "earn" the differentiated curriculum. For the summer, He goes to a full time day camp that is all outdoors with your traditional camp activities. They have swimming for 2 hours everyday that the weather cooperates as well as horseback riding and canoeing. At home we will continue some of the enrichment activities and take day or long weekend trips. We are also trying to locate a qualified individual to do a full evaluation of DS. Unfortunately, I am not having any success finding a tester that is both experienced in testing gifted children and that is willing to work with DS to get him to test to his ability instead of hiding. I can't afford to go outside the Mid Atlantic region. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.