End of level testing here, which has my kids very excited about...the lack of homework!
I don't know about acomplishments, but I do stress a bit about next year. My son will be in 7th grade, immersed totally in a middle school environment. I don't know how challenging accademicaly it is going to be for him. He will be in Algebra II
for math, but the rest I have really no idea about. Will keep you posted.
Am excited for my daughter though, an incoming 5th grader. The school has added "International studies with geography" to her next year curriculum. I hear from the teacher, that the focus will be on Asia. I think it is great!
Summer plans: intensive one week long viloin institute, scout camps, astro camp, two cousins coming from Europe for the entire summer. My daughter wants to organize summer reading club - a great idea that has come strictly from her.
Will continue to do Aleks online, plus some EPGY and Art of Problem Solving courses. Lots of camping trips. Maybe U of U summer course.
No strictly gifted camps this summer. Am planning to do THINK next year. Has anyone here done that?