Your child is gifted given her WISC-V percentile, though somehow she has not been given any G&T pullouts. Considering how intelligent she is, and that she devours all the enrichment very quickly, she might be bored and looking for more.

I feel like it is plausible your child thinks her assigned work is far too easy, thus refuses to do it. Some gifted kids can act out in this way when the work is too easy.

I wonder if there may be any mental issues, or executive functioning (disorganisation) issues that might be contributing? Good to see a doctor just to rule things out.

There are various things you can do - ask for subject acceleration or even full grade acceleration. The school aspect won't necessarily work itself out, and even if it does I am concerned your child may feel pretty bored (just look at her outstanding performance!). Maybe your child is not learning a lot.

For acceleration, be sure to talk to your child about it, also the various pros (getting out of school earlier, etc.). It can be tough to convince the establishment to accept a grade skip, but many of us have managed it! Worst comes to worst, she could sit exams early if she wanted and had the drive to.