I’m just saying going to post this here, to vent out some steam. So, the kid finally finished the evaluation at defectologist - speech therapist, tht handles handwriting issues. It was an important evaluation as the school is extremely concerned with his level of handwriting (at grade 5, gee, not something that should have been handled way back).

Anyhow, after all the testing, the speech therapist asked why did we even bring him to evaluation? He “passed” all the tests, and his handwriting speed and readability fall in the wider range for his age. Yes, he lacks the technical skill and needs to practice, but apart from that - he’s fine. She also confirmed that he speaks his native language as if he had grown up in a foreign country- but that isn’t pathological, it’s just that his English is dominant. She also noted that he showed that his verbal attention is high above average (a bit clashing with the add diagnoses) and that he is a mature guy and that she felt like talking to a high school kid.

And I had a flashback to a meeting with a few people from school. They were referring to a conversation they had with my son, and he stated that it didn’t feel like conversation to him as he could barely say anything. The school education specialist noted something like “Yes, as we suspected he is detached from reality” and wrote whatever in her notebook. I was shocked back than, and didn’t want to make a fuss, but I had the conversation with the same teacher and felt exactly the same as she was rude and talkative.

I can’t wait for more tests and the official confirmation from psychologist regarding this “detached from reality” moment. And if I get it… Let me just say that if I was in US and a law suit was an realistic option, I would chase them to the hell and back for all they put us through.

We’ll finally go to see ophthalmology experts as well to figure out his vision issues, but if that is the cause of his school issues, it just makes me even more angry as they knew his vision is not perfect, kept him far back in the classroom where he could barely copy from the board, and basically traumatized him and treated him like an idiot because he wasn’t excelling in writing- even though apparently he’s writing is fair enough…

Ugh. Sorry for venting here, but I need to work on finding a fresh voice to face the school in a month, and I am so glad I found this place as there are so many people who been through stuff and just help me get my head around this and work on my advocacy skills as it seems I am going to need them big time.