Originally Posted by MsFriz
I remember one librarian ... telling us early on (around age 1) that DS's attention span and love of books were out there...

This is pretty close to our experience. Librarians would come up to us and say variations on "she's so observant."

I'm still dismissing examples of reading as just being cases of knowing picture books by heart. I guess though that's just a stage in teaching yourself. I need to stick some words she knows on the fridge and see what happens.

We baby proofed, but in my family being smart actually makes you more dangerous. At age 3(?) my brother turned on the stove, waited for it to heat up, then put his fingers on the burner. After the blisters healed he repeated the experiment. The reason? He wanted to find out what would happen. He was later banned from cooking for a while when he got syrup out of the fridge early in the morning to make waffles, but ended up cracking the bottle and drizzling it all over the floor.

I think a little bit of it is that she's an only child who stays at home most days, so the only behaviors she can model are adult ones. And she's scary good at imitating us.

Last edited by mckinley; 08/28/18 12:01 PM.