I *still* get surprised that my kids are considered unusual.

For example, my 6 and 7 year olds regularly play Settlers of Catan with us. I didn't think that was weird but apparently most of our friends didn't even think about introducing the game until 12. I'm still thinking they are just underestimating their kids, but who knows.

My third kid, 18m old, knows about 30-40 words and loves books. To me, that's completely normal. Dd7 had 200 words and spoke on sentences at that age and listened to me reading books starting at about 4 months. We didn't think Ds6 was gifted because he couldn't sit still for a book and only had 3 words at that age. So I'm still on the train of, "sure, he's not*behind* like his big brother so he's probably just average". Apparently he's unusual, according to anyone who spends time with him.