Oh, good heavens, yes, you can definitely enjoy both - Dragonwood and Dominion's only real relation to one another is that they are both mostly card games. Dragonwood is a rummy-style game about going into the forest to kill/capture cartoonish creatures. You determine a number of dice to roll for an "attack" by how many cards you play, and a type of attack by whether the played cards are a straight, a flush, or a number of a kind. So it requires some probability counting, some identifying when to hold onto your cards and draw vs. spend them, and some intelligence about what to go after when you do try to capture a monster. Dominion is a mostly themeless deck-building game, where you are trying to buy better cards in your deck and then convert them to points by the end of the game.

If I was at a game night with other adults, I would be more likely to pull out Dominion than Dragonwood, but I could see us playing either. Dominion is a richer experience that you can play many more times without it getting old, especially if you start getting the expansions. (My favorite is Prosperity.) Dragonwood is more accessible to kids. My DS9 is able to teach it to his friends without my help, and I'm sure he couldn't do that with Dominion.

If you like that price point, also take a look at Micro Robots.