Sorry, jumping on a little late here ...

Kriston, I'm *exactly* the same way. I'm a phenomenal speller on paper, but I cannot for the life of me spell even simple words out loud. In my former life, I was a copy editor (and a good one, I might add) ... but put me in a spelling bee and I'm done. I need to *see* the word, and I can see the error. But I can't do it out loud.

I'm a super-fast reader, and ds6 is the same way -- he read all six Kirsten American Girl books in 75 minutes. I even questioned him -- he read them all! He's a whole word reader for the most part, and I think his spelling is the same as mine. We just *see* the error.

Dottie -- I *loved* Ender's Game. What a great book.

BTW, DS6 had no trouble with that excerpt. He asked about 3 words, one of which was Cambridge, and that's an exposure thing. He thought it was really cool!
