Yeah, but I didn't read it I guess because Austin give a little more info for the other side. Just like anything else there is another side.

�Facing that kind of speed� is frighteneing for beginning players, Noble said

I see that, but if it were my child at bat I would probably encourage them to face that fear or perhaps my child would decide baseball isn't for them and that's fine.

On the other, other hand I've been told be a very well meaning board member, "How would you feel if your child knew they weren't in the "top ability group" in class?

Is that a valid reason to ban ability grouping?

Honestly, if my first grader was aware that the class was ability grouped and where they fit into the pecking order well enough to know they weren't in the top group, I'd be asking the teacher why they didn't understand that my child should be in the top ability group. confused