I read this article independently and came here immediately to see if there was discussion about it. Boy, you guys are quick!

I am very interested in the topic because, as you might recall, DS4 has an obsession with baseball. And he is very good. The natural thing to do, of course, is to let him play with older kids. This happens on the playground and in pickup games all the time. But around here, at least, there is a problem accelerating him in the official leagues. I don't know how it works in New Haven, where the SI story takes place, but ever since the Danny Almonte scandal seven years ago Little League around here has been assiduous about age limits. Unfortunately, this applies at both the upper and the lower ends. So accelerating in Little League turns out to be every bit as difficult as it is in 2nd grade. Seems silly in both cases - why not let them play and learn at their natural level? But when the bureaucrats get involved there is little room for compromise.

Oh dear.
