Well, I wouldn't want my 9-yo with older kids in sports necessarily. I mean, if he's bigger and faster and everything, then maybe. But just because the kid is a fast pitcher doesn't mean he's good enough or big enough to play competitively overall. Plus he does lose a year of eligibility if he moves up, and there's no telling if he's going to STAY bigger and faster.

Too, it makes a difference what the age range of the next league up is. If his current league is 8-9 and the next league is 10-11, then maybe it's okay. But if he's in a 9-11 league and they want him to play with the 12-14yos, then that just wouldn't work for me.

But either way, I feel quite strongly that it ought to be his parents' decision about whether he plays up or stays in his age group, not the decision of the league. If there's no rule that says "kids pitching faster than 35 mph will be moved up to the next age group," then the child has the right to stay with the team.

I suspect the parents have grounds for a lawsuit, honestly.
