My DS took the SCAT at a Prometric testing center because I'm interested in signing him up for one of CTY's online courses.

I'm likewise, confused by the test and what the results mean. The report did include percentages and the number correct. It also said the test norm was 5 which I think means that DS was compared to 5th grade (he's in 3rd).

DS qualified for CTY in math (scored 99%, 49/50 problems correct) but didn't qualify in verbal. I don't know if DS didn't qualify in verbal because he ran out of time (he said he didn't get to answer 10 of the questions) or for some other reason. I was surprised DS didn't do so well on the verbal because that was his strongest area on the WISC. I was likewise somewhat surprised by how high DS scored on the quantitive.

How accurate is this test?