Hello, just a question out of curiosity. My son had to take the SCAT Math (I think it is referred to as the 'SCAT quantitative portion') to see if he could continue in the accelerated math track in middle school. I was/am seriously thinking of pulling him out since he has had such a poor experience in the accelerated math the past two years, which I think is mostly teacher related. The school admins/teachers (principal, gifted teacher, etc.), however, are saying he should try to continue the accelerated math track if he qualifies because the teacher in middle school will be a better fit for him. So they called me with the results of his SCAT test this past week. he scored an 80% which is what he needed to get in. I am curious about this tests. And I ask here because the school is very reticent about discussing the test because they don't want people prepping their kids. In fact, I am not even supposed to know it was the SCAT. Anyway. He is in 5th grade and allegedly scored 80% on the SCAT. I understand it is an above level test? Is this a "good" score? Is this 5th grade math or one or two grade levels up?