I don't really see an LD that jumps out. The only thing I would keep an eye on is the orthographic processing (rapid naming is a little low given her other language scores) and the immediate learning on the CVLT (although that really could be a function of age and a long testing session) is a little below expectations given her extremely high working memory scores. The orthographic processing is normal now but she is also young, so you could see a shift there later as same age peers have an improvement in their skills. Do you see anything with your daughter that concerns you? That is the biggest factor to consider. Also remember that to count as a learning disability the DSM 5 states that the scores have to be below average (typically below SS or 90) to be considered a learning disability. So relative weaknesses in very bright children do not count unless you are able to establish a functional limitation.

Last edited by sallymom; 03/24/17 11:55 AM.