Thanks for your suggestions Blackcat, Cammom and Kai.
I am afraid all his papers will fall out at once from accordion if he tries to get something out of it in a hurry, so I will ordered the Mighty zip instead (I like however everything is zipped up in it). I will also order some high-pocket stay-put folders or Velcro folders to put in it, since his papers look like they will fall out of the plastic folders I got from Staples.
We do have a mudroom cubby where he hangs up his backpack. I think what he needs is a small dedicated homework table which I will have to put in his room, with all his supplies. I will make sure he takes his backpack to his room to do his homework and brings it back to the mudroom after he has completed his work.
I am interested in a calendar for him as you suggested Cammom, it will be great if it has an alarm/alert system in it as well. Do you or anyone else have a suggestion for one I can easily find online or at a place like Staples or Target? I am thinking of an electronic one or will that be unnecessary for what I am trying to accomplish?
Kai I like the idea of a second binder, if the teacher will agree with that, it will help him a lot. I think all the paper in his binder is compounding the issue. The core issue is that he did not hand in 3 pieces of homework. I am assuming this is because either he misplaced them at home or in school, he doesn't know what happened.
Academic work, starting/completing tasks and organizing his thoughts are not an issue for him, organizing himself and his materials between tasks appears to be issue he is having. He is a loss as to why he is not able to do this easily, I agree he is trying but is not able do this as easily as other kids. It breaks my heart to see how unhappy he is to go to school everyday.
I will look into doing the assessments during the summer so we know where we stand by the start of middle school.