I hadn't thought about documenting each of these incidents but will talk to DS and start that process tomorrow.

I will also look into screening for ADHD, I hadn't done this before because prior to 5th grade, he did not have significant organizational issues. I have taken a look at the ADHD criteria in the past and he didn't seem to satisfy them. He doesn't forget a lot, only occasionally, but he is your stereotypical absent minded professor sometimes.

Indigo the websites you've linked have a lot of useful info, I will take more time to go through them. From a quick glance at the wrightslaw website it looks like schools do not recognize exec. functioning issues unless there is an accompanying diagnosis.

I have just come back from staples and bought lots of folders to help him organize his papers. I am also thinking of putting a small table in his bedroom for him to do his homework, this way there will be less chance of papers going astray. Unfortunately, I don't have access to his locker at school so I can't take a peak inside it to see how he has organized his stuff there.

Sanne, his anxiety is only related to school due to the issues he is having this year, but I will look into an assessment if it will help.

I don't want to overreact so that he doesn't suffer for it in school. However, I have thought of pulling him out to homeschool him on a temporary basis but since he has come this far I think I should wait for the state tests to be over.

I agree that he does have to acquire some solid executive functioning skills for the long term, but think that I need to get him back to liking school again.

Thomas your small private school sounds wonderful, DH and I need to sit down and talk about the costs of private school. DS will be in middle school next year, where the EF demands will be increased. However, I do think this behavior maybe limited to this one 5th grade elementary school teacher. I am going to reach out to a few middle school parents to get their perspective.

Last edited by stemfun; 03/21/17 04:31 PM. Reason: typos