My kids both have something called a "Mighty Zip Tab" where literally all of their stuff goes, they don't even carry backpacks. I have a copy of the math text at home so DS doesn't have to lug it back and forth, but he rarely has homework for math. The Mighty Zip Tab ans a file system which you could label for each subject, or else get 3 ring dividers that have pockets for papers. Then if he has notebooks they can also go on the 3 rings. Have each subject with a divider on the 3 rings. It even has a pouch for pencils and things. Look it up on Amazon. DD is in middle school and carries it from class to class. The teacher sounds crazy. I can't even imagine what her reaction would be to my daughter would make her go over the deep end. If the ridicule continues you should report it to the principal, since that's not acceptable.