
Originally Posted by Nolepharm
which activities or topics of study have given you the best returns. We have just followed and supported his interests to this point, but I would like to steer him towards areas that will be of greater future benefit. Are there areas (music, language, memory training, sports, etc.) where you feel your child gained outsized returns/benefits that help them be a better adult (use your own definitions of better here)?
IMO, letting the child lead, and actively supporting his interests (even when they are not your interests and areas of talent or expertise) will provide the best immediate and future benefits: the sense of internal locus of control... of owning and being responsible for his decisions and his learning. This becomes a quality of his character, and transcends academic subjects. Developing the skill to weigh pros/cons and identify opportunity costs is part of the process of decision making... and helps to build self-confidence and leadership.

Walking him through the decision making process and discussing your reasons for letting him choose among various options may also be helpful to reinforce both the power and the responsibility that comes with making a decision.