Originally Posted by Tigerle
I am with Richard Kahlenberg and other educators who have found, in the trenches, that schools need to have a critical mass of high and middle SES children to work
Voucher Discussion Crucial, Richard D. Kahlenberg, January 2017, The Atlantic
Most of the article is anecdotal. Here is one of the few refernces to research:
Frederick Hess of the American Enterprise Institute told me that randomized controlled trial studies of private school vouchers are “more promising” than the research behind Duncan’s school turnaround strategies.
The article mentioned the failure of over $7Billion of educational programs under Obama and Duncan. When schools of higher SES were mentioned, underlying behavioral factors were cited, such as academically engaged students, and involved parents.

Originally Posted by Tigerle
But be honest about it, it does squat for public schools, squat for poor people. There's evidence.
Tigerle, are you able to point us to the evidence which you allude to?

I mentioned a research study in this post upthread... which found the preponderance of evidence to be supportive of school choice.

The current US public education system was developed under prior administration. The impact of DeVos on the US Department of Education, and the influence of the US Department of Education on DeVos remain to be seen.