I agree with madeinuk that our education system is partially the problem. I also think that kids are not getting to do enough problem solving on their own and are not allowed to make mistakes.
Our educational system does not tolerate failure-there is not enough growth mindset. The schools are under pressure to teach to the test, so they do not have time to allow the kids to learn from failure. Parents are worried if their kid fails that they will fail at life- there are no second chances. Add in a nation dependent on media for entertainment and you have a lot of passivity and adversity to risk.
The problem with DeVos is not really about charter or public - it is that she has no background and no ideas on what our educational system needs. She is woefully ignorant, and if you don't even know what is broken you can't fix it. Plus her solution did not work in the area where she applied it. I have charters, magnets, privates, online school, etc. in my area and we do not feel like we don't have choice. Private schools in our area have financial aid and reduced tuition to help students with less funding to attend.
All just my opinion though- I am not qualified to lecture any time soon