I agree with many of your thoughts, however I am personally a fan of summer break.

I highly value having 2 months for child-driven learning, camps, veggie gardening, travel, family time, vacation...
Ach, I'm sure we'd most of us love 2 months off for child-driven learning, camps, veggie gardening, travel, family time, vacation... Trouble is, people who are dependent on public schools mostly can't afford it. It's not about you, or people like you.
The thread about the impact of a voucher system has go somewhat derailed by the financial aspect. However, read HKs superb essay on the Impact it may have on school composition and student demographics
- in the communities in which it would actually mostly be implemented. The areas in which the system were to have an impact are not areas where there are only 13% special needs students. The areas in which the system were to have an impact are areas in which there is a parallel system of private, parochial and charter schools in place and where new ones can easily be opened. It's not about Nebraska.