Originally Posted by puffin
If he is doing his homework in aftercare and then doing 15 minutes more at home then he is spending too much time on homework. If he is doing the easy sheets in maths then harder ones then he is doing twice as much work as everyone else and it is reasonable to feel hard done by especially if the hard sheets are also too easy.

He does homework in aftercare only on Tue/Wed and doesn't seem to mind that part.

He does ~15 min of additional homework at home a week, usually only on Wed or Thr, which he absolutely hates.

Then he does anot hour of afterschool math on Saturday, which he says he dislikes only because it is doing homework on the weekend. Despite liking the work in general he doesn't want to do it on the weekend.

All of this may change as we address whatever the real pain point is, I think.

He does do double math sheets and the second sheets are too easy, but I think he likes them regardless because he was annoyed he only gets to do them once a day... but I get your point. He has 3x the amt of math homework when all is said and done.