Thanks. I do feel like he needs help too, but it's useful to hear that echoed back so I don't feel like I'm overreacting.

Lots to think about here -- I really appreciate it.

I don't know if there are any easy solutions. I have advocated to the point of exhaustion and I can't do anything about school math until next year when he can test out of 2nd grade math.

There are some great ideas here though. We'll keep working on it.

It's great how parenting instincts kick in here. We should listen to them. smile Last night we had massive tears about the homework due today and school and everything else. So we ignored it and cuddled up with a book. No, that isn't a long term strategy for success. But I do think it's what he needed at the time. And at 6 years old he's not going to flunk out of school or anything...