he will be able to sleep ... all on his own ... one day ... until then - follow your gut instinct ... there is nothing in-appropriate about having your children in your room at night - i fact most families on this planet sleep in one room at night ( only in so called " developed" countries children have their own bedrooms). It is a cultural thing to have kid's bedrooms- millions of strong independent men slept with their families :-)

When my kids were small and we co-slept I received plenty of well meaning advice regarding sleep " habits" : I should just let them cry it out - they would eventually learn - co-sleeping would make my kids co-dependant - or my favorite : they will NEVER learn to sleep on their own ...
I believe no child goes to college still nursing or sleeping in their parent's bed - and every child will become independent on heir own schedule ...

Enjoy the precious snuggle time with you son and ignore others ... How you sleep at night is between you and your family as long as everyone gets sleep things are ok :-)- think of the million other families all over the globe that are all sleeping in one room :-)