We did a sleep study a couple of years ago looking for possible REM Disturbance Disorder. It was the middle of winter and the heat wasn't working in the facility so they piled her under a TON of blankets. It was so heavy that she didn't move an inch all night. They thought I was crazy with my claims of all her sleep activity. Since that experience I have looked at weighted blankets but they are super expensive. I found a plan to make one but I don't sew... Still I know I have to try to do it.

Last night's FitBit report showed waking up twice and 22 times "restless". The night before awake once and "restless" 16 times. I'm thinking the weekly report must combine these numbers. No way did she really "wake up" 36 times in one night - right?

Still less than 9 hours actually asleep each night. Clearly something is up especially since this matches up with all the activity we have seen over the years. I think another sleep study is needed. DD is a good sized 11 year old - really the size of a small adult so I think the FitBit is likely a pretty good indicator even if not 100% accurate.