I'm not a dyslexia expert AND I'm a big believer of following your gut so take the next bit with a large grain of salt and know that it is based on a sample size of 1 which is oh so reliable smile

Much of that list would have applied to DS when he was that age. His reading was actually below grade level until part way through grade 2. Then something clicked and in the space of a couple months he went from getting C's to getting A's and was reading chapter books far above his grade level. I have no idea how it happened but I was very close to thinking that there was something that we needed to dig into.

I will also add that my DS does have dysgraphia and some of the things that I would have checked off are very much tied to that. I also think that there are other e's that could check off a few boxes but end up not being dyslexia in the end. I'm definitely not saying that your DS isn't dyslexic, just be aware that there are a lot of possible somethings that make this stuff hard to tease out.

Just wanted to pipe in that asynchronous and 2e kids make these type of checklists very challenging. I'll now defer to the dyslexia experts, hopefully they can provide some more useful things to help you narrow it down.