RRD, it's tough to tell from a parent's description of behaviors/etc if what you're seeing is a typical 6 year old development, or early signs of dyslexia or some other challenge - there are quite a few things (typical and atypical) that might cause the things you've listed above.

I took a quick look and saw that your ds had a psych-ed eval last spring. Did the eval include anything beyond ability vs achievement testing? If not, it may be worth looking into further assessments... but what to recommend is tricky. I've found that neuropsych evals were worth their weight in gold for my 2e kids' assessment, because they take a global look at functioning and include testing to tease out the why behind uneven results in ability/achievement scores... otoh you will most likely need further assessments post-neuropsych by specialists such as reading or SLP etc *if* there's a challenge discovered in the eval.

Sorry I'm not any help - none of my kids were tested until late 2nd - 3rd grade... not because the signs weren't there (one is dysgraphic, one had severe vision issues, one has a reading challenge)... but because they weren't falling behind in school until that point and we (parents) didn't realize that the obvious-in-hindsight-signs meant anything. I do absolutely wish we'd realized that there were challenges earlier.... so if you have any doubts, look into an eval. If nothing is found, you've spent some time and $ but you will be reassured that everything is ok. If something is found, you'll be in a good position to start remediation and accommodations now, and that will ultimately benefit your ds.

Best wishes,
