OP here. Thanks all for the discussions, I am really reading these with keen interest. Dusty I am so sorry you were bowing out of the thread

I have come to appreciate your insights as well..
I am confused about PG vs. high performance kids and the intersection of the two. I always thought, that PG kids would squarely fall inside the high performance bucket and so we thought our DS is not one of them. It seems that we have a PG kid if his score is an indicator, his FSIQ says he is just normally gifted (wide discrepancy between VS score and other scores, the rest are in the gifted range but not that kind of standard deviation), but Psychologist said that his GAI is a low estimate because he hit the VS ceiling for WISC V and WAIS and there was no extended norm to consult for his scoring.. But we don't see crazy performance at school so far, albeit he is in a school that doesn't believe in acceleration and we are too busy with a young one who seems to have SPD also (sigh) and in the thick of it with her issues and so don't have enough time for older bro

We are shy of the label, I guess, and also are still in disbelief because at school he is just ordinarily bright.. And then we see what kind of crazy things he keeps doing with blocks at home and him accelerating himself in tech programs in the summer, and we think.. maybe? Are there PG kids who are just late bloomer? It might also make performance benchmarking a bit harder here because we are in an area with many high performance kids, while we were at play based preschool I was aware that some classmates were doing math worksheets at home while he immersed himself in his sandpit. But what good do we get from benchmarking, if he is happy at school, but then maybe we should watch out if things might change in the future.
I appreciate hearing about what other kids do, and if there are kids who look more normal at school who tested PG and how the kids look like when they are older.. Also appreciating the insights about what the test is meant to do and the validity and/or impact to long term outcome. A lot of people in my social circle are discrediting the test, saying they are meaningless for children and are just measuring test taking skills. But our psychologist said at that kind of SD it is real, because the problems are difficult. I never sat an IQ test so I cannot verify that.
Val, I am appreciating your comment as well, it is what we feel. We don't put him in the pedestal, he doesn't know it was an IQ test nor does he know the scores. So far parenting as usual for us, but we probably should buckle the seat belt for the possibilities in the future that something might break.