People will tell you you are creating an eating disorder. Dorfman says to respond "I am curing an eating disorder". People whose kids are of the "they have to have one bite and then they can tell new they don't like it" garden variety pickiness and eat at least one type of fruit or vegetable have no idea what people like us even talk about.
OMG, Tigerle, I am feeling so much sympathy for you! And I want to apologize if my post made you (or anyone else) in any way feel like I was being critical of forcing kids to eat. Over the course of the past 6 years, I've really resented other parents telling me that I must just be doing it wrong whenever I tell them that "regular parenting" often doesn't work with DS6. So I get it - sometimes, other parents have NO IDEA what you need to do to be a really good parent to your child. You sound like an amazing parent.