Yup. Sounds like DS17. And as an older teen this behavior is back BIG time. At this age he ones of those teens who think parents don't know anything.

Except of course when he wants our advice. I went shopping with him Saturday & it was a practice in keeping my mouth shut until he asked for help. I'm struggling with trying to get him to look at universities outside a very narrow scope, and think I have at least gotten him to look online at a few more. (We went on a college tour over spring break that was a success.)
I've tried to do is pick my battles carefully. Only pushing the issue when I really think he will like something or something I think is really critical. I've done the hiding books in his room, or just leaving something out where he stumbled upon it. I've also let other adults suggest things rather than me when it's possible because he take the advice of other adults more than me sometimes. (Band instructor, school math teacher, etc.)
DS wasn't a particularly picky eater as a kid, but not hugely adventurous either. But at 13 when he started eating like he had a hollow leg he suddenly became more adventurous. He now eats the many of the spicy ethnic foods I like & loves trying new food. But most of that came not from me but going out with friends, food he was exposed to at camp, or when he has gone on school trips.