Originally Posted by chay
Originally Posted by Tigerle
Have you noticed that people who are so convinced of their own parenting successes and others' parenting failures tend to have kids who, if you want them to do something, you just have to tell them to do it, and parenting simply becomes about telling your kid all the right things to do?

Hah. Borrow mine for a day.
lol - yup.

The biggest thing both of my kids have taught me is that I now really, really make an effort to not judge people. No one has a clue how to deal with my kids (including me sometimes haha) and I most likely don't have a clue how to deal with theirs.
I resemble that remark. Parenting DS6 has NEVER been simple. And I would never want to suggest to anyone else that I have a simple solution to their complex parenting challenges. Cause there just isn't one.