Shockingly enough she has somehow survived on her very limited diet. She now eats most carb and dairy based foods. She'll eat certain fruits and veggies (not a huge variety but better than none). Meat is the biggest challenge - she's still very picky on that front. She will now eat some cookies, cake and ice cream but she's still suspicious of even slight variations of them.
She's always been tall for her age, she's not heavy but then again neither is her brother or cousins (she's actually pretty solid compared to two of her cousins). Cognitively she seems to be quite fine and she has energy galore. Ironically enough the only major illness she's had was salmonella that she contracted on vacation down south when she was 20 months old. Best we can tell she got it from the birds that landed on our table/glasses when we left it unattended. The only local food she ate that week was bread and water (we brought other stuff with us for her because we were worried she wouldn't eat anything there). The reason why we left our table so much - a month before the trip decided she was never going to wear diapers again and potty trained herself in a day so between her and her 3 year old brother we made a few trips to the bathroom during meals. She's a fun one

Hopefully she can mostly harness her stubbornness for good rather than evil.
I feel for you on the BF part - neither of my kids would take a bottle. DD nursed constantly as well, I also became very good at sleeping while she ate. Love the story about the fries. DD's first crackers were ones that she stole from DH while sitting on his lap as well. I guess it had to be on her own terms (stolen).
Good luck! I really hope they all figure it out eventually.