I haven't had time to read the article yet, so I'm holding back from commenting until I do.. but.... fwiw....

Originally Posted by eco21268
Her response: "Yes, and he needs to understand that he made a COMMITMENT."

*REALLY*????? and yikes!!!! I can't believe they said that. (OTOH, I guess I can considering some of the clueless things school staff have said to us when advocating for our 2e kids over the years... but still....)

Honestly, is it at all fair to frame this as a student made a commitment? Did he honestly have a choice re whether or not to go to school? This is nothing at all like deciding to play on a soccer team, signing up for the season, and then quitting after the first game. Our kids are in school because the law says they have to go to school. We may make choices to attend optional school programs or take certain classes, but you can't frame any of that into the student making a "commitment". Well, I can't lol.

Sorry - hope you didn't think I was ranting at you eco, I wasn't. That comment just really rubbed me the wrong way. Good thing I wasn't the parent present at school at the time it was made smile

Best wishes,
