I too wish I could keep up with my ds. He goes at a hundred miles an hour and sleeps, if I am lucky for maybe six hours. He too runs rings round me and I wish I was way smarter than I am, just to keep one step ahead.

I advise others to underestimate him at their peril. Once when he was between three and four he had been very naughty. I had gone upstairs after taking some beloved lego away. Less than five minutes later the door bell rang. Its the postwoman. "Go and look in your window" she said. Sellotaped to the window was a note he had written. "Help me. My mummy has broken my heart"

Good job she knows him

He actually becomes aggressive if I can't answer his questions quickly enough or in enough depth, and he asks lots of stuff that is out of my depth. He is just not emotionally ready to deal with the answers yet, especially with death and disease.

But I tell myself that you get what you're given and I have to learn to deal with it. I cannot believe that there is so little help from the state to accomplish this.

It is so unfair to ignore a group of children with special needs to such a degree.