I was identified fairly early as gifted, scoring 99th percentile on the verbal side of things on some standardized testing around 3rd rade. I was lucky to already be in a good school, but they also put me in a class were we got to build things, which was pretty fun though I dont know how much I learned. wink
I was also allowed to take french early and I have always enjoyed it since...
I was selected to take one of the early 7th or 8th grade sats, I was told it was to see how
to design the test for older regular kids, which I thought was a kick. I did ok on those, though I really dont remember a score.
I remember being called a walking encyclopedia by a few of my friends, I loved to read, would read overnight just to get through books to move on to the next ones...
I do regret not being directed more into math early on, because according to my last set of sat scores, at the regular age, I was really kicking some butt in math! verbal scores were still good but just about every one was shocked I did even better in math. Funny. Maybe that side of my brain was still catching up with the other side through most of my childhood...
Anway, after 15 years of being told I wasn't a math person, one test score was not going to turn things around...although I did get brave and take a couple of calc courses in college.
Since then I have had a turn around the business world and landed eventually in programming, which I find to be a darn good fit for my skills. I am able to stretch myself when doing
trouble shooting, there is a constant need to learn new things and I stand out from a lot of the other folks because I also have strong communication and even people skills(!).