I have a whole buncha siblings, and a good share of us are probably gifted - maybe the whole bunch - but I don't think anybody was identified officially. Well, maybe some of the younger ones. Our sd didn't have a gifted program until I was in 5th grade or so, and then it was only for elementary school. They only tested the kids teachers recommended though.

I was just a regular bright quiet kid until we took PSAT's and I got the highest score in my class. Because of that, I got to go to a summer gifted program through the state. I have several siblings who also went. As far as I know, none of us has taken a real IQ test, but we all took SAT's and there's supposed to be some correlation. Based on my SAT's, I could join Mensa, so I think I'm gifted.

My dh also comes from a big family. He's also gifted based on his SAT's. Some LD's.