Originally Posted by Val


How many valedictorians got rejected in favor of this young woman and her 1190 on the SAT?
I know of someone who is in the top most earning bracket in the US who made 2 phone calls to his connections and promised millions (don't know how many) and their special snowflake got into Stanford despite SAT scores that were not stellar - the child was told to apply for a different major because the popular one that she wanted was oversubscribed and it was suggested that she change majors in a few months to the one that she wanted. I am not well networked, am middle class and have a child in elementary school and don't really go looking for info like this - so, if even I heard about this, chances are that there are more of these things happening all around me!
Money speaks, sometimes crassly, sometimes subtly and meritocracy sometimes takes a backseat. But, I am an optimist and believe that there are enough good college seats for all of our kids!