Originally Posted by mithawk
Originally Posted by Val
How many valedictorians got rejected in favor of this young woman and her 1190 on the SAT?
That's easy. One, at most.

Okay, what about the other 124 donation admits? At Duke alone? Multiply that by 20, 30, or more top tier schools, and pretty soon you're into the thousands.

No one arguing that donation admissions are acceptable has commented on the large set of information I provided that shows pretty clearly that donation admissions are a significant phenomenon in college admissions. I find that interesting.

Mithawk, you asked for proof. I provided it, and you focused on a single point, ignoring all the other evidence. In my experience, this type of reaction is a sign of not wanting to acknowledge the facts.

Last edited by Val; 01/27/16 09:45 PM. Reason: Fix autocorrect oddity