My DS16 now has a 504 for anxiety. But we only created it last year as a sophmore in H.S. Should have gotten him one back when he was in junior high. I did have his tested that previous year and it turns out DS has low processing & working memory. I feel that some of his anxiety comes from not being able to react as fast as his peer/teachers expect. DS started having social problems in 6th grade partly because he wasn't able to keep up with all the verbal sparing.

The 504 has helped a bit. If nothing else but for his teachers to realize that this is an issue for him. One of his anxiety points is writing essays and he has been given extra time to complete writing assignments. He gets more time on some tests. And for H.S. it's allowed him to get preferential teachers. At a big H.S. this can be a big deal. Although the counselor hasn't always been able to fit the preferred teacher into his schedule. The big question for you is what would you put on the 504. What do you think would help her?

My son started seeing a psychologist for anxiety in 6th grade. It really did help. After that settled down he stopped going but he started with a new one who is an expert with gifted kids his freshman year and still see's her.

Things have gotten a lot better with DS. I hope you can find something that works for your DD.