Originally Posted by polarbear
You've gotten great advice already, I'll just add one other possibility - my ds has an expressive language disorder, and one of the signs that wasn't at all obvious to me when he was around your ds' age was that he would look to someone like the sw in this situation if he was stumped and didn't know what to say. It didn't look like a communication issue - it looked like a young child who didn't want to talk to the other person or who was shy or who was an observer etc, but really he had no clue what he was "supposed" to say (actually he had a slightly deeper issue of generating thoughts/words but I'll spare you the details lol!).

He was also a kid who had high WISC scores on everything but PS.

In your situation, I think I'd ask the sw for more info re what she's observing and what she's thinking. She may be way off, but her observations are probably going to tell you *something*. Following that, I'd follow your gut if you're concerned.

Best wishes,


PB My DS11 is quite a talker, but a lot of the time he seems to have trouble finding the words for what he wants to say… he will struggle to tell you something, then suddenly say never mind… I've been considering whether to have him screened for an expressive language disorder (he was a late talker and that was his primary problem- his receptive was advanced but his expressive was delayed). When you say PS you mean low Processing Speed right? My son as well…although he has other things that can be contributing to that- he has inattentiveness (ADD), so not sure if I should or not.