Originally Posted by eco21268
Originally Posted by BSM
He will panic if he sees a bee outside though.
OMG, I shouldn't but I laughed. We have the same phobia.

As far as a choice goes, I didn't mean either/or but you have to do SOMETHING for X amount of time, so decide.

I don't do this, because I'm worn out with it. But it has worked occasionally. Here are things that always work for DS:

1) When you do X, I'll drive you to GameStop
2) See 1).

It's so frustrating! Sorry you are having the same.

As an aside--how did homeschooling art turn out?

I have been deliberating on whether or not I want to deal with DS and his program any more, at all. He is so difficult when he is depressed/withdrawn.

FWIW, I don't think this is all ASD, depression, etc. I've heard same from many parents.

I swear, your DS and mine must have been separated at birth smile

Homeschooling art went ok. It got him away from the teacher. Ultimately, he never put in the time for it, so it essentially became "not doing art". My wife didn't push it with him and focused on academics instead.

The problem we have with forced choice is that he'll melt down if he doesn't like either choice. And then he becomes really hard to deal with.

Rewards are a mixed bag. They worked for a while, but since he doesn't really want anything right now...

How is DS doing in the program? One week of Xmas break here and I'm starting to forget how frustrating dealing with schools can be...