Originally Posted by BSM
He will panic if he sees a bee outside though.
OMG, I shouldn't but I laughed. We have the same phobia.

As far as a choice goes, I didn't mean either/or but you have to do SOMETHING for X amount of time, so decide.

I don't do this, because I'm worn out with it. But it has worked occasionally. Here are things that always work for DS:

1) When you do X, I'll drive you to GameStop
2) See 1).

It's so frustrating! Sorry you are having the same.

As an aside--how did homeschooling art turn out?

I have been deliberating on whether or not I want to deal with DS and his program any more, at all. He is so difficult when he is depressed/withdrawn.

FWIW, I don't think this is all ASD, depression, etc. I've heard same from many parents.