If you can go to specialists without a referral, go ahead. I know some folks find pediatricians and family practice doctors and love them, but I have yet to find one that thinks for himself/herself. I do not know one person from my HS or college who went on to become a GP or ped who was considered a top student in HS/college. Above average intelligence - yes - but just grinds who could memorize a bunch of stuff.

I found that the pediatricians could not deal with the physical ailments, which were rather routine, so there is no way I would even ask about something that is not a physical problem. Switching doctors is a pain, so I would just go to the specialist if possible.

My youngest had a fairly routine condition, but an "extreme" case, and we eventually had to travel to CA from PA for treatment (surgery). I always ignored those flyers with recommendations on TV viewing and the such that the doctor hands you - they need to address physical conditions before they venture into other areas.

Sorry for the rant. One of these doctors also noted something they considered advanced cognitive skills during a visit at 16 months, but I brushed it off (since my eldest had achieved that at an earlier age than middle kid). Doctor did not suggest that we do anything special though - just noted that "they aren't supposed to be able to do that yet" or something along those lines.